Documentation on Turtle Graphics: This is the ultimate source for all information on this library.
Comprehensive List of Colors
List of Programs in Turtle Graphics
# File: # Description: This program writes out Hello World import turtle def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Hello World') # setup screen size turtle.setup (1000, 1000, 0, 0) # move turtle to origin turtle.penup() turtle.goto (0, 0) # set the color to navy turtle.color ('navy') # write the message turtle.write ('Hello World!', font = ('Times New Roman', 36, 'bold')) # hide the turtle turtle.hideturtle() # persist the drawing turtle.done() main()
# File: # Description: Draws squares of different sizes import turtle # draw a square of a given side # starting at uuper left corner (x, y) def drawSquare (ttl, x, y, side): ttl.penup() ttl.goto(x, y) ttl.setheading(0) # set the pen in the +ve x direction ttl.pendown() for iter in range (4): ttl.forward(side) ttl.right(90) ttl.penup() def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Squares') # setup screen size turtle.setup (800, 800, 0, 0) # create a turtle object ttl = turtle.Turtle() # assign a color to the turtle object ttl.color ('red') # draw multiple squares drawSquare (ttl, -50, -50, 50) drawSquare (ttl, 0, 0, 50) drawSquare (ttl, 50, 50, 50) drawSquare (ttl, -50, 50, 150) # fill a closed region ttl.fillcolor ('purple') ttl.begin_fill() drawSquare (ttl, 0, 0, 50) ttl.end_fill() # persist drawing turtle.done() main()
# File: # Description: Draws various types of geometric figures import turtle, math # draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) def drawLine (ttl, x1, y1, x2, y2): ttl.penup() ttl.goto (x1, y1) ttl.pendown() ttl.goto (x2, y2) ttl.penup() def drawPolygon (ttl, x, y, num_side, radius): sideLen = 2 * radius * math.sin (math.pi / num_side) angle = 360 / num_side ttl.penup() ttl.goto (x, y) ttl.pendown() for iter in range (num_side): ttl.forward (sideLen) ttl.left (angle) def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Geometric Figures') # setup screen size turtle.setup (800, 800, 0, 0) # create a turtle object ttl = turtle.Turtle() # draw equilateral triangle ttl.color ('blue') drawPolygon (ttl, -200, 0, 3, 50) # draw square ttl.color ('red') drawPolygon (ttl, -50, 0, 4, 50) # draw pentagon ttl.color ('forest green') drawPolygon (ttl, 100, 0, 5, 50) # draw octagon ttl.color ('DarkOrchid4') drawPolygon (ttl, 250, 0, 8, 50) # draw a line ttl.color ('gold4') drawLine (ttl, -200, -10, 325, -10) drawLine (ttl, -200, -15, 325, -15) # persist drawing turtle.done() main()
# File: # Description: Draws filled in shapes import turtle def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Colorful Shapes') # setup screen size turtle.setup (800, 800, 0, 0) # draw a triangle turtle.pensize(3) turtle.penup() turtle.goto (-200, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color ('red') (40, steps = 3) turtle.end_fill() # draw a square turtle.penup() turtle.goto (-100, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color ('navy') (40, steps = 4) turtle.end_fill() # draw a pentagon turtle.penup() turtle.goto (0, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color ('green') (40, steps = 5) turtle.end_fill() # draw a hexagon turtle.penup() turtle.goto (100, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color ('yellow') (40, steps = 6) turtle.end_fill() # draw a circle turtle.penup() turtle.goto (200, -50) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() turtle.color ('purple') (40) turtle.end_fill() # write header turtle.penup() turtle.goto (-100, 50) turtle.write ('Cool Colorful Shapes', font = ('Times', 18, 'bold')) # hide turtle turtle.hideturtle() # persist drawing turtle.done() main()
# File: # Description: Draws users defined functions import math, turtle
def drawGridMark (ttl, x, y, isVertical): if isVertical : drawLine (ttl, x, y + 5, x, y - 5) else: drawLine (ttl, x - 5, y, x + 5, y) def labelGridPoint (ttl, x, y, isVertical, text): if isVertical: labelPoint (ttl, x - 20, y - 20, text) else: labelPoint (ttl, x + 20, y, text) def drawGridScaled (ttl): # draw the axes drawLine (ttl, -400, 0, 400, 0) drawLine (ttl, 0, 400, 0, -400) # label the x axis for x in [-300, -200, -100, 100, 200, 300]: drawGridMark (ttl, x, 0, True) labelGridPoint (ttl, x, 0, True, (x/100, 0)) # label the y axis for y in [-300, -200, -100, 100, 200, 300]: drawGridMark (ttl, 0, y, False) labelGridPoint (ttl, 0, y, False, (0, y/100)) def drawFnScaled (ttl, fn, lower, upper, step): ttl.penup() x = lower y = fn (x) scaledX = x * 100 scaledY = y * 100 ttl.goto (scaledX, scaledY) ttl.pendown() while x < upper: x = x + step y = fn ( x ) scaledX, scaledY = x * 100, y * 100 ttl.goto (scaledX, scaledY) ttl.penup() def myFunc (x): return (x ** 2 - 4) def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Graphs of Functions') # setup screen size turtle.setup (800, 800, 0, 0) # create a turtle object ttl = turtle.Turtle() # draw the grid drawGridScaled (ttl) # draw sine finction ttl.pencolor ('red') drawFnScaled (ttl, math.sin, -math.pi, math.pi, 0.01) # draw cosine function ttl.pencolor ('blue') drawFnScaled (ttl, math.cos, -math.pi, math.pi, 0.01) # draw my function ttl.pencolor ('purple') drawFnScaled (ttl, myFunc, -math.pi, math.pi, 0.01) # persist drawing turtle.done() main()# draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) def drawLine (ttl, x1, y1, x2, y2): ttl.penup() ttl.goto (x1, y1) ttl.pendown() ttl.goto (x2, y2) ttl.penup() # write label at location x, y def labelPoint (ttl, x, y, label): ttl.penup() ttl.goto (x, y) ttl.pendown() ttl.write (label) ttl.penup()
# File: # Description: Draws a grid and exhibits a random walk import turtle, random def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Random Walk') # setup screen size turtle.setup (1000, 1000, 0, 0) # set turtle speed #turtle.speed (1) # draw 16 x 16 lattice turtle.color ('gray') # draw horizontal lines x = -80 for y in range (-80, 80 + 1, 10): turtle.penup() turtle.goto (x, y) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward (160) # draw vertical lines y = 80 turtle.right (90) for x in range (-80, 80 + 1, 10): turtle.penup() turtle.goto (x, y) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward (160) # start random walk turtle.pensize(3) turtle.color ('red') turtle.penup() turtle.goto(0, 0) turtle.pendown() x = y = 0 while (abs(x) < 80 and abs(y) < 80): r = random.randint(0, 3) if r == 0: x += 10 turtle.setheading(0) turtle.forward(10) elif r == 1: y -= 10 turtle.setheading(270) turtle.forward(10) elif r == 2: x -= 10 turtle.setheading(180) turtle.forward(10) elif r == 3: y += 10 turtle.setheading(90) turtle.forward(10) # persist drawing turtle.done() main()
# File: # Description: Draws Sierpinski's Curve or Gasket import math, turtle def drawGasket (ttl, size): if size < 10: return for iter in range (3): ttl.forward (size / 2) insertGasket (ttl, size) ttl.forward (size / 2) ttl.right (120) def insertGasket (ttl, size): ttl.left (120) drawGasket (ttl, size / 2) ttl.right (120) def oneSide (ttl, s, diag, level): if (level == 0): return else: oneSide (ttl, s, diag, level - 1) ttl.right (45); ttl.forward (diag); ttl.right (45) oneSide (ttl, s, diag, level - 1) ttl.left (90); ttl.forward (s); ttl.left (90) oneSide (ttl, s, diag, level - 1) ttl.right (45); ttl.forward (diag); ttl.right (45) oneSide (ttl, s, diag, level - 1) def curve (ttl, s, level): diag = s / math.sqrt (2) for iter in range (4): oneSide (ttl, s, diag, level) ttl.right (45) ttl.forward (diag) ttl.right (45) def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Recursive Figures') # setup screen size turtle.setup (1000, 1000, 0, 0) # create a turtle object ttl = turtle.Turtle() # draw the sierpinski curve # curve (ttl, 15, 3) # draw gasket drawGasket (ttl, 200) # persist drawing turtle.done() main()
# File: # Description: Draws recursively a sun like figure import math, turtle def drawArcR (ttl, size, degrees): for iter in range (degrees): ttl.forward (size) ttl.right (1) def drawArcL (ttl, size, degrees): for iter in range (degrees): ttl.forward (size) ttl.left (1) def drawRay (ttl, size): for iter in range (2): drawArcR (ttl, size, 90) drawArcL (ttl, size, 90) def drawSun (ttl, size, color): ttl.fillcolor (color) ttl.begin_fill () for iter in range (9): drawRay (ttl, size) ttl.right (160) ttl.end_fill () def main(): # put label on top of page turtle.title ('Sun Figure') # setup screen size turtle.setup (1000, 1000, 0, 0) # create a turtle object ttl = turtle.Turtle() # draw the sun figure drawSun (ttl, 1, 'red') # persist drawing turtle.done() main()
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