
Showing posts from May, 2022

Machine Learning is Fun! Part 4: Modern Face Recognition with Deep Learning

Image   This technology is called face recognition. Facebook’s algorithms are able to recognize your friends’ faces after they have been tagged only a few times. It’s pretty amazing technology — Facebook can recognize faces with   98% accuracy   which is pretty much as good as humans can do! Let’s learn how modern face recognition works! But just recognizing your friends would be too easy. We can push this tech to the limit to solve a more challenging problem — telling  Will Ferrell  (famous actor) apart from  C

Face recognition with OpenCV, Python, and deep learning Install (installed virtualenv + virtualenvwrapper )

Image Note:   For the following installs, ensure you are in a Python virtual environment if you’re using one. I highly recommend virtual environments for isolating your projects — it is a Python best practice. If you’ve followed my OpenCV install guides (and installed  virtualenv  +  virtualenvwrapper  ) then you can use the  workon  command prior to installing   dlib  and   face_recognition . Face recognition with OpenCV, Python, and deep learning Inside this tutorial, you will learn how to perform facial recognition using OpenCV, Python, and deep learning. We’ll start with a brief discussion of how deep learning-based facial recognition works, including the concept of “deep metric learning.” From there, I will help you install the libraries you need to actually perform face recognition. Finally, we’ll implement face recognition for both still images and video streams. As we’ll discov