Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Python turtle set start position

I'll give you my solution for starting at the top left of the window and you can adjust it to your needs:
from turtle import Turtle, Screen


screen = Screen()

yertle = Turtle(shape="turtle", visible=False)
yertle.goto(TURTLE_SIZE/2 - screen.window_width()/2, screen.window_height()/2 - TURTLE_SIZE/2)


The turtle's first appearance should be at the top left of the window.

Python turtle, change start position:
import turtle
a = turtle.Turtle()      #instantiate a new turtle object called 'a'
a.hideturtle()           #make the turtle invisible
a.penup()                #don't draw when turtle moves
a.goto(-200, -200)       #move the turtle to a location
a.showturtle()           #make the turtle visible
a.pendown()              #draw when the turtle moves
a.goto(50, 50)           #move the turtle to a new location
The turtle becomes visible and starts drawing at position -200, -200 and goes to 50, 50.

Lab Assignment

CCS CS20, Spring 2018

num ready? description assigned due
lab00 true Getting Started Mon 04/02 08:00AM Fri 04/06 05:00PM
lab01 true FtoC and CtoF with test cases Mon 04/02 08:00AM Fri 04/13 05:00PM
lab02 true More practice with writing functions test cases Tue 04/10 12:30PM Tue 04/17 05:00PM
lab03 true Even more functions with test cases Tue 04/17 12:30PM Tue 04/24 12:30PM
lab04 true input, scripts, command line arguments Fri 08/25 11:00AM Wed 08/30 04:50PM
lab05 true Accumulator Pattern, more TDD practice Mon 04/30 08:00AM Mon 05/07 09:00PM
lab06 true min/max, index vs. value Tue 05/01 12:30PM Thu 05/10 12:30PM
lab07 true Turtle Graphics: Basic shapes Thu 05/03 12:30PM Thu 05/10 12:30PM
lab08 true 2D Lists and Nested for Loops Tue 05/08 08:00AM Fri 05/18 11:59PM
lab09 true Recursion Thu 05/10 01:00PM Thu 05/24 11:59PM
lab10 true Review for Final (optional) Tue 06/05 12:30PM Fri 06/08 05:00PM
project01 true Project-01 Turtle Graphics: Scene from a forest Thu 05/10 12:30PM Sun 05/20 11:59PM
num ready? description assigned due
h00 true Perkovic Ch1 (Introduction to CS) Tue 04/17 12:30PM Wed 04/18 12:00PM
h01 true Perkovic 2.1, 2.2 (Expr, Vars, Assignment, Strings) Tue 04/17 12:30PM Thu 04/19 12:00PM
h02 true Perkovic 2.3 (Lists, Tuples) Tue 04/17 12:30PM Fri 04/20 12:00PM
h03 true Perkovic 2.4-2.5 (Objects, Classes, types, libraries) Tue 04/17 12:30PM Sat 04/21 12:00PM
h04 true Perkovic 3.1 (Python Programs), 3.2 (Execution Control Structures) Tue 04/17 12:30PM Sun 04/22 12:00PM
h05 true Perkovic 3.3-3.5 (Functions) Tue 04/17 12:30PM Mon 04/23 12:00PM
h06 true Perkovic 4.1-4.2 (Strings, Formatting) Tue 04/17 12:30PM Tue 04/24 12:00PM
h07 true Perkovic 4.3 (Files), 4.4 (Errors and Exceptions) Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
h08 true Perkovic 5.1-5.2 (decision control,accumulators,nested loops) Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
h09 true Perkovic 5.3-5.6 (2-d lists, more on loops) Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
h10 true Perkovic 6.3 (Character Encodings)- 6.4 (Random) Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
h11 true Review (tracing functions) Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
h12 true Perkovic 6.1 (Dictionaries) and 6.2 (Sets) Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
h13 true Perkovic 10.1 (Introduction to Recursion - up to Practice Problem 10.3) Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
h14 true Number Conversions Thu 05/24 12:30PM Thu 05/31 12:30PM
ic00 true CCS CS20 S18 Pair Partner Picking Planning Tue 04/03 12:30PM Tue 04/03 02:20PM
ic01 true Planning your tree for project01 Tue 05/15 12:30PM Tue 05/15 12:30PM
num date description
Lecture 1 Mon 04/03 Orientation to the course
Lecture 2 Wed 04/05 Orientation to the course
Lecture 5 Mon 04/17 work on lab03, catch up on homeworks
Lecture 6Wed 04/19Working with JSON files

Sunday, August 9, 2020




Turtle in python- Trying to get the turtle to move to the mouse click position and print its coordinates

Printing every time you move

If you want to print every time you move, you should define your own function which will do that as well as tell the turtle to go somewhere. I think this will work because turtle is a singleton.
def gotoandprint(x, y):
    gotoresult = turtle.goto(x, y)
    print(turtle.xcor(), turtle.ycor())
    return gotoresult


import turtle
from turtle import Screen, Turtle

screen = Screen()
t = Turtle("turtle")

def dragging(x, y):  # These parameters will be the mouse position
    t.setheading(t.towards(x, y))
    t.goto(x, y)

def clickRight():

def main():  # This will run the program
    t.ondrag(dragging)  # When we drag the turtle object call dragging
    turtle.onscreenclick(clickRight, 3)

    screen.mainloop()  # This will continue running main() 


Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow for Training Deep Learning Classifiers

 ### Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow for Training Deep Learning Classifiers **Keras and TensorFlow** are powerful tools in the realm of...